How do I get to Père Lachaise?

Cemetery Address & Contact Info:
16 Rue du Repos, 75020 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 55 25 82 10
Cemetery Hours
From: November 6 to March 15
Monday–Friday: 8h to 17h30
Saturday: 8h 30 to 17h30
Sundays and bank holidays: 9h to 17h30
From: March 16 to November 5
Monday–Friday: 8h to 18h
Saturday: 8 h30 to 18h
Sundays and bank holidays: 9h to 18h
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday–Friday, 8h30 to 12h30 and 14h to 17h8h
The Cemetery is open to the public and there is no admission charge.
General Etiquette:
If you see a group of people with cars and a hearse nearby, there is probably a funeral service in progress. Please be respectful. Observe silence and behave appropriately.
No dogs are allowed in the cemetery
Eating and drinking on cemetery grounds is not permitted.
Do not deface the gravesites.
A bell will sound when it is closing time. Please move promptly to the exits.
Touring Tips:
The City of Immortals fold-out map and GPS Tour App features three tours. Tour One covers a large portion of the oldest area, the Romantic Section, which is the original sixteen-acre area of the cemetery founded in 1804. However, you’ll also come across many graves from the 20th century, since plots are still available in the midst of centenary neighbors. Tours Two and Three cover the central and northern sections of the cemetery, respectively. Depending on whom you are visiting, all the tours have their unique character. FYI, Tour Two covers some of the steepest areas in the cemetery, so take that into consideration when gauging your hiking abilities and time available.
During my numerous visits, I spend anywhere from a few hours to an entire day wandering at my leisure. However, it is important to tour at a reasonable pace, so you can explore as much of the area as your heart desires and your feet can endure.
The hilly, sometimes steep paths are covered in leaves and moss and are paved with loose gravel or cobblestones, so it’s important to wear comfortable, sturdy shoes. Be prepared for unpredictable weather in spring and fall, and bring an umbrella; it can rain unexpectedly. Wear layers of clothing, as the height of the location lends itself to blustery winds in fall and winter.
If you choose to enter through the main gate at Boulevard Menilmontant, imagine being here a century ago, hearing the rhythmic beat of the sturdy black carriage horses’ hooves drawing the hearses of people such as Frédéric Chopin, Honoré de Balzac, and Sarah Bernhardt. Envision the long processions of families, friends, and fans, heads bent in sorrow, carrying ornate floral wreaths to lie at the gravesites. Leaving the noise of Paris behind, we enter the hushed Elysium of the afterlife….